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June 29

it's the best that i could've done at that time

I've got to say, that is a pretty skirt with some really unique pleats; who would've thought pleating the rough ends of denim was possible? The wonderful seamstress that your mother is may have been able to pull it off, but I wasn't. I tried to prepare myself for the task of manually rendering each pleat. Upon looking at the folds closely they each had this sort of thick intricate seam that I couldn't really comprehend properly, so I went with rather artistic instinct to just draw some pattern that would resemble it from afar. Yet even then, it was getting repetitive for me to draw the pleats one by one, so i let quality decline a bit for the sake of finishing the artwork, and decided to copy paste the pattern onto the next, allowing myself to violate conventional rules in art (i.e. you don't just copy past clothing details especially if they're placed at different angles). 

And yet, I lowered the bar even more.

I couldn't even focus on duplicating the pleat patterns. I did four pleats at most. I was really struggling to multitask: listen to the discussion, complete the drawing, stay awake. It was like sensory hell to try and do all three and inevitably fail at all.


Eventually drowsiness consumed me, so I gave in and let my head rest on my barely soft iPad case---at least, it was better than the hard desk which was cold to the touch. I did fall asleep for a few minutes, wake up, and then fall asleep back again. Enter migraine, which only worsened everything.

I'm sorry I fell asleep during your class. I really didn't mean to. I'd do anything to have an art-related subject, I wouldn't take your classes for granted. I just wish I didn't get distracted so easily so I would be able to finish my work earlier the night before, and be able to sleep well. I could've had a better, more complete artwork by the end of this session if it weren't for that.

... and I digress. We were talking about clothes. 

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