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June 6

our first onsite session

hey arielle! its me, dann, class k1's beadle. 

please take some time to look at my artworks! 

as i've told you before, i often find it hard to focus during class---not just your subject, not even just classes, but in a lot of parts throughout my day; im always find myself---every 10 seconds or something--- drawing, imagining other things, or worse, unconsciously drifting away from whatever i need to focus on.

i really, really do not like it actually. i fail to control it for lets say 75% of the time.

moving on, please allow me to go back to my dainty, delicate display of digital drawings of what may be some of the loveliest, whimsical outfits i've ever seen a professor (or mentor/teacher, as some are particular to titles and everything) wear to their own lectures.

anyways, back to our first onsite session:

you told us that your socks were mismatched, but you were committed to the look, so you took the opportunity for an asymmetrical look through the complement of matching earrings. sadly, i cannot recall if they were hoops, so i went with a chunky, typical design. i don't remember either if the mismatched color pairing was a pink and a gray, but i think it was? these drawings that i will be showing you are supposed to be on-the-spot drawings as in, things i am supposed to have made during your class session. however, this was the first session and luckily i wasn't drifting away. or maybe, i did find myself drifting away but was too scared to miss out on important information (because i had the intention of being the beadle!). also, i didn't have the idea back then yet to draw your outfit every session as installment to my final project. 

that being said, this drawing was actually just made by me today! i still found it really nice to think about including your particularly imperfect but perfectly imperfect outfit in the gallery. couldn't miss out on that!

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